Cartoons & Humorous Illustration

Landscape Paintings

Villard Morning

Archival quality print is 11”x17” and is $100 unframed, $140 in frame.

Please enjoy viewing these excerpts from my full portfolio, and use the contact page to message me to see more of my landscape paintings from Westchester County and other areas.

“Kinnally Cove” Archival quality print 8”x 7” in frame $80.00

“View from Andrus 2013” - 9”x8” - framed archival quality print is $80

Library Park, Hastings

Archival Print is 16”x 21” - in frame $150, unframed $100 plus shipping.

Hastings Water Tower

Original gouache painting is 5”x7” and is $80. A 7”x10” archival quality print is available for $60 unframed.